Sunday, September 7, 2008

Assignment #2 - Abstraction!

Our task is to make a sign for the NUS community. So I thought, what is there in NUS that requires some kind of sign or symbol to communicate a message to students?
And then it hit me! A "Please Walk Faster" sign! Becasue AS6 and AS1 is always extremely packed with students and it is just so difficult to move through the crowd. I'm a fast walker and to me, people just walk waayyy tooo slowlyyy!!

So here's the sign:

The 3rd picture(bottom left) will be the pictogram as I feel it best communicates the objective of walking faster. I added the lines to indicate speed and made the figure fade away to show that it is moving fast.
The photograph depicts busy workers in a rush and I used it as inspiration for my drawings.
My figure was drawn using the pen tool in Illustrator and I'm glad to say that I am at least more familiar with the pen tool after agonizing over how to use it.
The arrow and speed lines were also drawn using the pen tool. :)